to Bihar Burn & Trauma Research Center Pvt. Ltd.
There are many different burns unit's throughout the world. In providing this information we hope to educate
you even though there are differences the main outcomes are still the same.
This should help to also give conformity in the specialised care needed.
1. Protective isolation garments available in
all areas of unit.
2. Anti-Rooms for appropriate isolation.
3. Trauma/admission room with spray tables and
supplies utilized for admissions.
4. Procedure room equipped with a small
hydrotherapy tank and two spray table areas for routine wound care.
5. Activity Area: Provides activity for adult
and pediatric patients.
6. Supplies and unit operations are organized
around isolation and infection control standards.
Bihar Burn &
Trauma Research Center Pvt. Ltd. (BBTRC) is a Super Specialized & Exclusive
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Burn Injury Management, Treatment,
Rehabilitation & Research Organization.We provide in these services Burn
Treatment,Plastic Surgeons,Burn Hospital and
Electrical,Chemical,Thermal,Minor,Steam,Major,Face,Acid Burn,Pediatric Burn
Treatment etc
Contact Us-
Burn &
Research Center
(A Unit of Bihar
Burn & Trauma Research Center Pvt. Ltd.)
Hospital, 5th Floor, NH-1, Sector 27, Atta,
Noida - 201301
Tel.: +91 11
6622 6774 +91 120 2541337 - 39
Helpline: +91 96500 69488
Website URL: